The voice, the pen

I have often noticed how, what one feels, another thinks. Why, then, should we not share those thoughts and feelings? It might make things clearer for all... Here, I am offering snippets on whatever gets me thinking, with the intention of sharing these moments with you, hoping for a dialogue of sorts. Whether a word, a sentence, a whole text, please, share.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Emotions not worth mentioning?

I am sad.

When was the last time you said it? Even more to the point, when did you last say 'I am sad' to another person? At a guess, you don't remember it. You might have said 'I am upset', 'I am pissed off!', 'I feel depressed' or even 'I don't feel all that energetic' (quite a mouthful). But 'I am sad'? That honest, simple statement has probably eluded you for quite some time.

There seems to be something quite childish and puny about it. As though being sad where the realm of an unrefined understanding of feelings. Sure, kids can feel sad but we don't expect to hear about it. We do try our best to prevent that state. So youngsters are encouraged to claim and proclaim they are happy, and learn to have temper tantrums and scowl when they are "not happy".

We are not sad! 18th century gents and ladies were "melancholy", others were "distempered", music is "blue"... How can we be sad? That's so not-cool! And anyway, we are supposed to be happy!

But, wait: when did you last tell 'I am happy' to someone? Just that, without extras like 'I am happy you came' or 'I am happy to inform you...' Just plain, open, cheer-for-cheer's sake 'I am happy'. Aha, exactly - you don't remember either. You have to justify your happiness in order to make it acceptable. If you don't, you must be some "alternative" type, a neo-hippy who still has freckles and a spotty innocent face. Hardly someone with enough creed and smarts to be considered "adult", eh?

There may seem to be some unworthy feelings; feelings which are not sophisticated enough to warrant being pushed into the realms of the unmentionable. But they are unadulterated, welling up like water from a spring. If pure water is desirable above all others, why not pure feelings? No need to dwell on them overlong, of course, yet acknowledging them brings release, I have found, as well as the maturity of self-reflection.

Well, I am sad. And I am happy, too.

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