The voice, the pen

I have often noticed how, what one feels, another thinks. Why, then, should we not share those thoughts and feelings? It might make things clearer for all... Here, I am offering snippets on whatever gets me thinking, with the intention of sharing these moments with you, hoping for a dialogue of sorts. Whether a word, a sentence, a whole text, please, share.

Sunday 24 November 2013

The people in my life

The people in my life
can sing, can dance,
can climb trees and
explore the land.
The people in my life
live near, some far,
live in awe of magic
of joy, ecstatic.
The people in my life
love sunsets, sunrise,
love others, love much,
the people in my life.

I, like everyone, am surrounded by the magical love of friends and family. These people, I believe, I created as they have created me, to share and grow and smile. They love me so truly, they sometimes challenge me to go beyond my comfort zone; and, though kicking and screaming, I accept, for I know they will not leave me to flounder alone.

This mini-poem (or group of verses, rather) just came unbidden as I was sat here. I chose to share it, because I also believe that, whether I know you personally or not, those of you at the other side of the screen are also people in my life.

I honour you, near or far, and thank you for being here, along for the ride.

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