The voice, the pen

I have often noticed how, what one feels, another thinks. Why, then, should we not share those thoughts and feelings? It might make things clearer for all... Here, I am offering snippets on whatever gets me thinking, with the intention of sharing these moments with you, hoping for a dialogue of sorts. Whether a word, a sentence, a whole text, please, share.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Choice and the New Year

And so, the year ended. Another year, another end.
Another beginning.

As a species, we have the marvelous gift of creating new starting points for our lives. We set up dates and hours when we make a cycle end and another commence. Thus, most cultures have set 'new year days' that somehow become momentous despite a certain amount of arbitrary definition. The most arbitrary, interestingly, is the most widespread - the celebration of 31st December/1st January threshold. I mean, after all, the year itself was designed for an emperor and re-designed for a pope. Not really something that really concerns most of us, let alone the flow in nature.

And yet, this pivot point IS powerful. Despite the randomness, despite the awkwardness of ending a 12th month named after a 10th by replacing it with a month named after a god, and even despite our modern scientific thinking, it is powerful. We gather together, we party, we are enveloped in good will to each other, we revise our lives and set up ways to improve them because we let ourselves love ourselves.

It IS powerful, and pivotal, and a true new beginning because WE make so. The rest, the humbug, is just background noise.

So, despite life seemingly going on unchanged, despite the awareness that there have probably been other moments in the year where the death and beginning of cycles is more obvious (in nature or personally), despite learned cynicism towards the rite and ritual, I invite you to embrace this chance to willingly, willfully change the path of your reality.

Look at that point in time, empower yourself in the energy of communal intention, and break away. Break away from whatever it is that didn't serve you, that does not serve you. Instead, just because you, by your mere humanity, have the power to create the places where time stops and starts again, give yourself a new time, a new beginning.

It's the time of a new year. You can make it the dawn of a new life.

It's your choice.

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