The voice, the pen

I have often noticed how, what one feels, another thinks. Why, then, should we not share those thoughts and feelings? It might make things clearer for all... Here, I am offering snippets on whatever gets me thinking, with the intention of sharing these moments with you, hoping for a dialogue of sorts. Whether a word, a sentence, a whole text, please, share.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Christmas season is here

It is snowing, and Christmas is on the radio and the markets. I often wonder at my own response to the idea of a White Christmas, at how it ties me to my past, my cultural origins, family members I never met - never even knew/will know they existed - who either believed or didn't yet felt emotional at the flurries, the carols, the sight and smell of the trees draped in sparkles, in baubles, in hopes, in childish wishes met whenever possible.

I know rather well the whole history behind the stories: the mythology, the astrology, the astronomy, the anthropology... All that study throughout the fields of humanity that strives to explain the reality. My brain knows it, my logic understands it, my own personal choice of belief acts in accordance... All that to ultimately reach out in joy at the first flakes, to react with a giggling heart-rate to the first beats of a seasonal song.

I am no more "grown up and jaded" than a toddler! Squee! And, d'you wanna know something? I don't care!!

More than that, I relish my experience year in, year out. I just want to make sure whenever I meet another, I am able to share the overwhelmingly humanly illogical quality of the moment. I want to be able to burrow deep down into the root of such generous feeling, such tear-jerking emotion, such absolute unbound love for life. Once there, impregnated with its core, I want to emerge re-born, grow larger than life, and explode! I want to mingle with the snowflakes of Joy, permeating all people (friend or foe, who cares) to multiply the richness of feeling, perpetuating it.

I don't worry anymore whether people believe or not, as I don't worry whether I believe or not. I believe in the pan-human good will any such season brings. So, I grew up to react to Christmas. I shall work with it, I shall perpetuate the feeling over the year, I shall unleash its beauty beyond religion - then we will all cry tenderly at the idea of birth and hope and love. And we shall love and hope and create.

It's Christmas season, and it's snowing. Go out to make angels in the white mantle, while I wait for you with a hot cup of chocolate.

Love thy neighbour, and blessed be all people of good will.

1 comment:

  1. "I don't worry anymore whether people believe or not, as I don't worry whether I believe or not." Sólo una persona madura puede decir algo así. Me encanta. Que cada uno se tome las circunstancias de una manera o de otra es su problema, sí. Gracias por invitarme a pensar. Lo aprovecho. Un abrazo, Diosa.
