The voice, the pen

I have often noticed how, what one feels, another thinks. Why, then, should we not share those thoughts and feelings? It might make things clearer for all... Here, I am offering snippets on whatever gets me thinking, with the intention of sharing these moments with you, hoping for a dialogue of sorts. Whether a word, a sentence, a whole text, please, share.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Bus Drivers

I have quite a few elements from daily life which regularly remind me of what I honestly believe in but sometimes seem to doubt. One of those "elements" is bus drivers.

Let's face it, we have all been in a situation where we have ranted and raved about bus drivers, bus services, and what nots. Most often, said drivers appear sour-faced, unfriendly, short tempered, impatient... Who wouldn't, in their shoes? Stock brokers who complain of stress at work should have a a reality check with these guys/gals: driving all day in circles with few and far-between toilet breaks at set times (rather than answering to immediate need). Not only that, they have to do so while struggling to keep up with a fantasy-inspired schedule that inevitably brings frustration and complaints from both passengers and supervisors. To top it all up, they have to spend all that time trapped in traffic jams surrounded by aggressive SUVs, unexpected motorbikes and vulnerable cyclists.

Still, I have yet to meet a driver who does not respond in kind - except for the surprised, even grateful, look - every time I get on and greet him/her with a genuinely cheerful, open-smiled, 'Good morning/afternoon/evening!' In fact, if you make a minimal effort so that it becomes a habit, you will begin to realise that your bus rides become a great deal more pleasant.You will also notice the interaction between drivers who see each-other across the road is truly playful. Or how, on the other hand, one venting, rude and/or selfish person (a passenger, a suicidal pedestrian...) can ruin everyone's day in a snap.

So, THANK YOU, BUS DRIVERS! These men and women are fabulous examples of how our treatment of people we "randomly" meed creates the world we live in. It is only a matter of being the one to take the first step, to 'be the change you want to see'.

Give a smile, have a great ride.


  1. A mí también me gusta saludarles, no soy un cordero ni un cerdo al que llevan al matadero, y me gusta que se sienten a gusto, pero también hay señores conductores que pagan contigo su mal día o su mal carácter de nacimiento. El otro día uno me llamó gilipollas al subir al autobús y saludarle, qué te parece?

  2. Me apena el hombre... Pero creo que seguramente fue una reacción de envidia. De cualquier modo, lo que tú hiciste le cambió el campo energético para bien - aunque ni lo reconiciera, ni seguramente lo note conscientemente en mucho tiempo (si lo hace).
    Kuddos to you, de todos modos, por brillar a diario, por decidir así iluminar tu día y el de los que te cruzas. ¡Eres Bella!
