The voice, the pen

I have often noticed how, what one feels, another thinks. Why, then, should we not share those thoughts and feelings? It might make things clearer for all... Here, I am offering snippets on whatever gets me thinking, with the intention of sharing these moments with you, hoping for a dialogue of sorts. Whether a word, a sentence, a whole text, please, share.

Monday 13 December 2010

Generous people

In recent times I have had amazing examples of generosity all around me. I am both awed and somewhat uncertain about how I would react in similar situations. Over all, however, I am Grateful to be recipient or witness to the episodes.

Oftentimes, we hear about how horrid, how mean people are in this 'tough world', so I would like to make a little list (not all the wonderful episodes are here, but only a selection) to illustrate how, on the contrary, the world is populated with generous people.

A month ago I set up to meet with a friend at a museum. I did not know that it charges entry fees, as most London museums are free. We had agreed to meet, yet I had to tell her I had to call it off for the time being, as I was skint (broke, in other words). Immediately she offered to pay for the ticket - it is a year-long entry fee, it turns out. No fuss, no unwelcome grand gestures. I agreed, grateful and touched. I was a wonderful visit, which I hope we will repeat soon!

Another instance was my Yoga teacher, who hearing about my situation offered to cut the class fees until things got better. Considering she is a single mother, I can imagine how important the income is. Luckily, things were on the up already, so I did not have to have her go through it - although I am certain she would have, she is so generous with her time, her knowledge and her Joy!

Yet another example of the amazing people around me, when I told my long-time friend I could  not go to her's for a weekend as I was hoping to get enough money together to visit home (abroad) for Xmas, she immediately offered to send me money to make up for the air-fare if I was short. In her words, I 'have to be home this Xmas!' Again, things are getting better and better, and I have been able to get my tickets without calling on her help (she is married, but unemployed as she has a little child to look after).

Funnily, for some; logically, for me, the more generosity we encounter and acknowledge, the more abundance greets us, which we can welcome life with.  Then, more and more shows of such condition will become apparent all around, even between strangers. For example, I saw today a well-dressed young man take out money out of a cash dispenser (an ATM), then turn to his companions and in one movement lean down to a homeless man holding a dog who sat next to the bank. In his hand, he had a neatly folded banknote from the batch he had just withdrawn, a banknote he placed, graceful and unassuming, in the poorer man's hand. The latter was in grateful shock, the young man left without waiting for anything further than the automatic 'thank you' the homeless had said when he thought he might be getting a few small coins - so bit for him.

I prefer seeing this gentler, loving side of humanity. I firmly believe if we all project such a wish, if we all act upon it, if we all feel grateful at every "gift" we get, we can save the world from its meanness.

We need not wait to be asked. That's what I'm learning. What a generous world this is!


  1. Mi padre decía una frase que siempre me gustó: -"¿Quieres? se les dice a los muertos". Hay que dar sin esperar nada a cambio, eso es. Si no quieres compartir realmente no ofrezcas, y si quieres regalar dalo todo con el corazón abierto de par en par. Comparte lo bueno que tienes, que lo demás también puedan disfrutarlo.
    Ayer, en el autobús, de camino al trabajo, la madre de una compañera se acercó a saludarme (yo no la había visto). Me acerqué con ella hasta la puerta aunque yo iba a bajar más tarde. Cuál fue mi sorpresa cuando ella le dijo a un chico que había un poco más lejos que ya bajaba para que lo supiera. Ella le había pagado el billete del autobús con su propia tarjeta porque él no tenía dinero y le avisaba por si subía el revisor. Me encantó. Qué generosa, qué forma tan bonita de empezar un domingo, me dije, viendo esto.

    Un abrazo de luz, disfruta de cada momento.

  2. All that is not given is lost
